Florence generates a desire for
glory and honour and
gives a natural quickness
to the perceptions of men.
Vasari gives a natural quickness
to the perceptions of men.
Ahi, dolce e gaia terra fiorentina,
fontana di valore e di piacere,
fiore de l'arte, Fiorenza.
Ah, sweet gay florentine land font of gallantry and pleasure,
flower of art, Florence.
(Chiaro Davanzati)
Florence, beneath the sun,
Of cities, fairest one!
TADDEO GADDI built me. I am old,
Five centuries old. I plant my foot of stone
Upon the Arno, as St. Michael’s own
Was planted on the dragon. Fold by fold
Beneath me as it struggles, I behold
Its glistening scales. Twice hath it overthrown
My kindred and companions. Me alone
It moveth not, but is by me controlled.
and remember when the Medici
Were driven from Florence; longer still ago
The final wars of Ghibelline and Guelf.
Florence adorns me with her jewelry;
And when I think that Michael Angelo
Hath leaned on me, I glory in myself.